CSE awareness for licensed drivers

Local Authorities - let us train your Private Hire and Hackney Carriage licensed drivers in this vital safeguarding subject.

This is arduous going for your own staff, even experienced trainers. We have considerable experience at delivering this subject to often-reluctant and even hostile drivers and even receiving high levels of positive feedback and comments.

Course Structure

We will deliver two in-house 2-hour sessions per day for your drivers, taking them through why they should be concerned about CSE and why they have a duty to be part of the safeguarding frame work. Then we concentrate on the key subject areas and give them practical things to look out for and some options around what to do if they have concerns.

Course Delivery - Classroom - recommendations

  • Book a quality venue, such as a council chamber, to help the delegates feel valued

  • Consider introducing the session by a senior councillor or officer (although this is not essential - we are happy to run the course ourselves)

  • Book a maximum of 25 delegates per course - they will have something to say and they need to have the chance to air their views.

  • Start a morning session start at about 10.00am, so drivers can still get morning fares.

  • Start an afternoon session at around 12.30pm so that drivers can still get their afternoon fares.

Why choose Blueline Learning?

We've done this before and we're good at it, with the standard of our trainers being rated 9.75/10 on average. If you want to deliver this in-house, make sure your trainers are both experienced in the subject-matter and extremely resilient. 

What do our learners say about interview training:

Thought training was good and relevant awareness

The trainer did very well. Most people didn't want to be here but I think they will go away doing things differently after this. Cheers.

Contact us for more information on

0203 150 0891
